26.-29. Sept '24
Ankommen Donnerstag 14h
Abreise Sonntag 14h
Seminarkosten 530.- CHF
Repeaters & Earlybird* 330.- CHF
+ Lodging & full board from 309.- CHF
+ STD-Tests
~10 participants, ~3 assistances
Hosts: Roger & Michèle
Registration until 18th of Sept ’24
*Earlybird until 31th of Aug ’24
Sexuality is love! As unconditional as love is. Evenly unconditional. Sexuality is unconditional love. Are you ready to really meet love? Meet your love that doesn’t need any rules or concepts. That is not bound to relationship structures, the future, any identities of you and me. Meet the love that is in the now. That expresses itself through body, through connection, through resonance. Leaving behind the projections and the goals your ego wants to drag into any encounter.
Yes, your fear might kill you.
Risk it. Free yourself. If you survive … welcome to your true being. From where your energy, your creational love frequency illuminates your surroundings, your everyday life, the world. There is nothing else but love, intimacy, connection. Your true abundance, being in connection, in resonance, in creativity, in oneness, with everything.
Beyond the borders and concepts that you might want your love to flow in. The place, love actually belongs. Beyond prejudices and projections, beyond relationship concepts, beyond the separation of easy or complicated encounters. Love, true love is not a piece of cake. Love stays with the ups and downs. As long as your yes to love is 99%, you will not meet it. Suffer! Meet the pure power of love, that bridges and transforms every separation. Devote yourself to the healing truth of deep sexual flow. Dare to enter the unknown path into unconditional love, which connects to everything that is.
If you are happy with the world you are in, … don’t join this venture.
Sexuality is love in action. Expressing love through action. Bodily love. The deep yes to yourself, to existence. The yes to exist with this body, this planet, those surrounding beings. There is an innocence. Your innocence. This powerful energy that over-floods and penetrates everything. Destruction and renewal.
We challenge all your being.
All your pain, your joy, tears, laughter. Nothing less. You are a divine being and there is no reason to hide – to hide anything. We go to the bottom, to your core. We want you. Not your ideas, not what you learned, not the rules they gave you. You! Pure you! Pure you in connection.
So what exactly are we doing here?
With slow sex orgy we are opening a field of living free sexuality, beyond or away from the common lived cultural style sexuality. Here is a TedX talk from Diana Richardson, where she explains the SLOW SEX concept.
The former name of slow sex was cold sex, opposed to hot sex. We go into a sexuality that is not goal oriented. We go into contact, genital contact with each other from a place of silence and stillness. Beyond an idea of action or lust. Beyond the impuls of fostering friction to get an orgasm. Beyond the idea that arousal and erections is a requirement to have good sex or that union would even work or not. We say slow sex, because we keep a slow pace of connecting and ‘going further’ to assure consciousness to all our aspects and don’t overrun any boundaries or desires. We go slow, because we want to create space to listen deeply to what truly arises in the contact with ourselves and each other.
We say ORGY, but as much as that, it is mainly a healing ritual, a love ceremony. Orgy names the fact that we are all in this together, moving as an organism through the different phases and openings as one. We come together with the aim to truly let each other in and foster honest connection, instead of staying in separation, judgement and exclusion towards each other. We dare to go to the place of the creative in-between, where two and more worlds meet. What is the sexuality and erotic that emerges from an open, pure and honest state of listening? Where do we go, when we are in capacity to truly be in contact with ourselves while really letting in the other? Where does the journey take us, when we don’t have a fixed idea of who we are, what to do, where to go?
Can we allow for innocence, the not knowing, real relaxation and pure body and genital contact to just be?
! Let’s bring bedroom sexuality into the wild !
And let’s give you an eventual outline of the CEREMONY PROGRAM,
to maybe nourish some curiosity and safety :
We meet.
We agree on a common culture, a certain way of interacting around self contact, self expression and interaction.
We have a circle of intention and opening the ceremonial realms.
We arrive in the body, into the contact with ourselves and with each other.
We move through the portal of conscious nudity.
We open up the threshold of conscious touch and connection.
We move the energy of the interpersonal judgements towards each other.
We foster the capacity to stay connected to ourselves even if there is something happening outside ourselves.
We introduce and celebrate the first slow sex ritual.
We reveal deeper layers of personal shares to each other.
We move relational energy that emerged within the group space.
We nourish ourselves from a deeper level of trust in the next slow sex ritual.
We contemplate and move the energies around an individual primordial sexuality, we might start to have access to.
We tap into some powerful shadow work session.
We expand into a space of deep connection and innocent interaction in the last slow sex orgy ritual.
We conclude, we harvest our insights, we integrate our experiences.
This celebration is FOR YOU, if you:
- know or have a hunch that bodily love is made to be lived with everyone.
- dare to truly meet your patterns, your shadows of hurt and separation
- feel the urge to celebrate the connection and oneness that lies underneath this pain of separation. We strive for a group dynamic where everybody involved is ‘on board’ with what is happening and your desire to step in with your truth and listen deeply to the truth of the others who are present is essential. We strive to truly relate to everybody who is present, emotionally, bodily, energetically.
- are able to share your authentic individuality, your grounded desires and boundaries.
- feel the urge to feel yourself as part of a group body, deeply resourcing yourself on every level.
- want to celebrate love and connection in the now, not dragging any comfortable feeling into the future and into any kind of ‘relationship’, but just dropping into the pleasure of now and with those beings, with this group.
- have liberated your sexuality into its true essence and want to celebrate it together with others.
YOU MISUNDERSTAND this event, if you
are coming with the idea or expectation:
- that there is a gender balance or any kind of other controlled way to create a ‘homogeneous’ group around age, culture or other pigeonhole thinking.
- that there for sure will be sex and penetration (we move where we gonna move together, if the energetic or/and physical openings for bodily sexual connection doesn’t happen, there will be no ‘penetration’)
- that you can ‘get’ an easy access to sensual or sexual fulfilment here
FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to have sex with everybody?
We will mainly do all the pairings by chance for any exercises and rituals. That means you will not choose with whom you do any exercises. BUT you will be invited to carefully feel into yourself how far you want to go in any situation, in any interaction and with whomever. The main focus will not only be in understanding where you have a No, but to tune into WHY you have a No in that given situation. Are you ready to journey with this question, really questioning your attraction patterns and discomfort states? Do you dare to stay present with what is and to unravel deeper layers of your personality structure?
If we all are STI-tested, do I have to have sex without a condom?
We request STI-testing (sexually transmitted infections) to have more clarity around our sexual health in the group. This neither means, that we are risk free of infections nor that everybody has to have unprotected sex. There will still be a (quite small) risk of possible infections being in the space, because infections will only show up in the results after the individual window period. Also there might be a small risk of pregnancy, although in slowsex, we don’t go to peak orgasms and ejaculations. In any interaction, you will have full choice to use a condom or femdom (female condom), or only if both of you have a full yes to it, to go into fluid bonding, which is genital contact without condom.
What we request you to test: HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydien, Gonokokken/Tripper, Hepatitis C
Suggested Testing Station: Checkpoint Zürich,, for 175.- CHF or +15.- CHF for the 24h testing
Be aware: Tests can take up to 4 days until you get your results.
What do I do, if I will have my menstruation?
Women bleed once a month out of their pussy. This is a natural thing. It does not prevent neither the bleeding woman nor their sexual partner from any kind of pleasure they could have outside of the menstrual time. We have sanitary pads to lay underneath and showers. AND some time in this phase, we are not ready nor open to ‘really let somebody in’. OR we may come from a conditioning, where a bloody pussy may repel us, and we are not ready to meet neither the situation nor challenge the theme underneath the repulsion. Just feel into the situation, talk and exchange your thoughts and feelings and co-create the sweet spot of how you want to be in that situation.
What do I do, if I don’t get an erection?
In the ‘slow sex technique’ we don’t need an erection for any interaction to ‘work’ or ‘be good’, ‘effective’ or ‘successful’. In both, the phase where we create silent genital contact and the phase where we invite conscious penetration, a soft or an erect cock do work equally. A soft penetration needs a simple technique that we will teach you. Especially for this, we will initiate you to understand how to use female condoms. Welcome to the new world 🙂
Roger. Through love and sexuality I experienced my deepest wounds and traumas in my life. For a long time I didn’t even know how much this affected my life and relationship with other people-kind. Until, after many years of hesitating in fear and freeze, I finally dared to uncover the heavy blanket of taboo and morals which was laid over my own soul and world of sexuality. No demons, no raging fears showed up, but the so long missed and so important parts of my own self. Just by opening my body, my soul and my sexuality fully in to the world.
Only with opening I strive to be part of the collective development and consciousness shift. I dare to take a quite sensitive step forward, towards embodied oneness. I honour this deep desire and longing of humans to gather, connect, be truly together in love. One part of life has been neglected for too long a time, the sacred beauty of sexuality.
Michèle. A part of me, my innocent part, is looking at the world and at the way we behave with each other and feels super confused and deeply alone. This part of me doesn’t understand separation, from this place in me I can not make up my mind around relationship styles or cultural differences, choices to invest into somebody and not into somebody else.
And don’t misunderstand me: I am aware of quite some of my behavioural patterns that believe in separation. But this other voice, this innocent voice, I can’t stop anymore to listen to it, to create from it, to flow with it and to give it space. Separation feels like an illusion. And I feel that most of our interactions are based on that illusion and belief of separation. While I hear the phrase often, that people love each other, in groups, I feel the absence of true serious love that would actually happen if they would encounter each other on a bodily and sexual quality.
Foto by Reto Widmer,
Registration Form:
To register we created an extensive questionnaire. This might help you and us to understand if this might be the right event for you. Thank you for your honest answers. If we feel that this might not be the right place for you and we will exchange on other possibilities that might bring you forward on your path. The questions are meant to map your awareness and consciousness around your sexuality, your emotions and your embodiment. They are here to challenge you and for us to feel your readiness to learn, your openness to be present with the unpredictable and unknown and to step out of your box. Enjoy! <3
After having received your form, we will schedule a phone call together (max ”45min).
from previous Orgies
‘This weekend felt like an Ayahuasca Ceremony.’
‘The SlowSexOrgy was one of the most meaningful weekends in recent years. The framework conditions were centrally important and groundbreaking: just speaking from the body and without censorship, just speaking the essential without any stories, not talking much between the breaks, … and the slowness and reversibility of going into nakedness as a group process, fostering benevolence and innocence.’
‘Your reciprocation as the facilitator team was wonderful. You complemented each other so beautifully, radiated so much peace and space, also in the way you agreed with each other and how you lead us through the journey over time. Very balanced between the two of you.‘
‘I felt completely safe, and the space was held clearly and reliably for me for the whole time. What I mentioned in the introductory call, that I was worried about whether the room would be held safely with all the reactions that could arise so that I couldn’t “drop” into self-exploration. But the way you both were calmly present and showed up with what happened within the group lead me to totally calm down.
‘I loved your invitation to breathe deeply. Something that I am taking into my everyday life and work.’
‘After the SlowSexOrgy I feel way more present in my body and I noticed that I am incredibly more in ease with other people, also when there is a conflict arising. My capacity to stay present also in formerly complicated or fearful interactions increased exponentially.’
‘After interacting in a slowsex way during the ceremony I felt my whole world dropping into peace, and a new pallet of sensory sensors waking up. I feel the capacity now enjoying the present moment with way more fullness and bliss.’
Here you can find our Playlist on Youtube where we condensed some inputs & learnings around the SlowSexOrgy – Enjoy: