(Foto by Reto Widmer, artofbeing.one)
“We are just at the beginning of grasping the immense power of love we are here to live.”
Michèle is naturally shifting your self understanding into compassion and ease. With her trauma healing skills and her not shying away from the ‘dark shit’ we all carry, she facilitates deep healing. Hearing the bodies speak and the knowing that we are here on this planet to fully live in bliss, she fosters somatic sovereignty and guides healing in authentic sexuality, honest relating, community. Her inherent & compassionate inquiry of life and beings allow her to access wisdom into the matrix beyond, allowing your intuitive abilities and superpowers to be integrated into your everyday life. She’s a master of pausing, honesty, integrity and presence, and she loves to be in service.
> Money – Sex – God <
Researching those topics brings us ultimately back to
our true immense capabilities to LOVE.
1-1 Sitzungen
Free Introduction Session Online 20mins
ThetaHealing Session 120CHF /h
Slow Sex Sessions
(see description for various pricing)
GeneKeys +HumanDesign Session 300CHF / 2h
Siehe Veranstaltungen.
+41(0)77 498 72 44 (text me)
Meine Werkzeugkiste
TheField Facilitator Training (trauma informed) with Rachel Rickards, 2023
ThetaHealing® Practitioner, Instructor, Certificate of Science, 2018-2023
Gene Keys Begleiterin
HumanDesign Researcher (no certificate)
ISTA – International School of Temple Arts Level 1, Level 2, Assistances
Tantramassage Seminare (diverse)
Tamera Intro into Love & Sexuality
Common Law Academy Lebenderklärung & Enttaufung
Integratives Traumatraining & Curriculum Systemische Aufstellungsarbeit bei Johannes Schmidt
Feldenkrais® Bewusstsein durch Bewegung
EDE erschaffen einer transformativen Kultur
Nachhaltige Architektur, bauen mit Stroh, Lehm, Holz, zirkuläres Bauen, geschlossene Kreisläufe