Have you ever felt this strange, creepy feeling, when in tantra massage courses you get instructions for lingam massage, and then when it comes to yoni massage the great warnings come, around how complicated a yoni massage is, how much more you have to be cautious to do it right, and how much emotions can be stored in the yoni tissue …

Cocks are complicated. Complex. In and around the lingam tissues, there are as many emotions stored than in any yoni tissues. Cocks are relational beings. Men are in need of pelvic healing as much as women.
… but what keeps us from going there?
Our collective understanding, conditioning and embodiment of male sexuality is quiet purely orgasm driven, pleasure based, or in need for replenishing any mother nurturing. In need to get something in or from partners. When we feel about or from our cocks, we feel the underline of how much we either have sex or not. How much we are welcome with our lust and sexual expression or not.
But there is more. As men we are emotional beings onto the tip of our lingam. Something that we normally just hear from women. There is a whole world waiting underneath our sex drive, that we are bypassing. An emotionality and self connection that nurtures us deeper than we yet might take in.
In our deeper realms we find ourselves tired of going into sexuality and penetration too fast, letting our cocks be touched or ‘putting them in’ too fast. Our lingam tissue is overrun and overwhelmed by the ideas and matrix of over sexualised intercourse. All the ‘problems’ we normally hear from women and their emotional overwhelming states, their desire of deep full filling intimate connection in pleasure, their emotions of mistrust towards partners, fear of intimacy, grief in not really being met within over sexualised intercourse, it is actually happening as well in men, if we unlock into the deeper layers and structures that are stored in our lingam and pelvic tissues. This tissue structure that might still be numb. Over stimulated. Only met with the idea of orgasmic release, the desire to feel pleasure or the pressure of performing as a good lover.
What we need is to meet our cocks with open compassion beyond the idea of sex and pleasure. With an open mind towards what we might find. With the questions of ‘how are you really?’. With patience. With the awareness that there might be stops towards what any ‘mind driven’ sex drive or desire to express lust. It might be a complicated place to be. Really meeting a new you. With new needs. With a different timing. Somebody that might be different from what you expected. A relational and emotional being that is actually complete within itself.
Welcome to your roots.
COCK AWAKENING is a one day journey with the aim to bring you into deeper layers of your emotional and relational self. With teachings, ritual, touch, exercises and sharing we create a sequence of experiences that support you in meeting and embodying the emotional realm of your lingam. We will be a group of male participants, supported by female witnesses and space holders that help you to feel and get deeper.
INTO THE DARK Series is a format for courageous inner research around our shadow patterns, dark phantasies and taboos connected to our authentic erotic and sexual expression to arrive into the sacredness of sexuality.
TIME & PLACE. Saturday 30th of March, 10-18/22h, Zürich (place will be revealed upon registration), +1h integration call
TIMETABLE. The official seminar will start on Saturday at 10am and end at 6pm. During the day we will have an hour of lunch break (please bring your lunch or find something nearby). After the seminar and a dinner break an optional, non formal space of conscious deepening or integration will happen until 10pm. This space is optional and still Michèle & Roger are holding space to clarify the intention and structure of this more free flow time. On Sunday evening at 7pm we will also have a 1h optional integration zoom call together, to give space for revelations and questions or unfinished processes that deepened over night.
PRICING. 160 – 320.- CHF for male participants.
40.- CHF for female space holding participants.
HOSTS. Roger & Michèle will lead you through the day.