‘We imagine a society in which our women are constantly aroused, all our anuses are super relaxed and our men are gently touching each other in public.’
Genuine pleasure, the connection to our live force and our individual expression of our sexuality, love and power is one of the most effective tools to live peace and spiritual growth.
We foster consciousness and embodiment in intimate and sexual encounters and relationships and invite to workshops to experience forms of sexuality based on embodied, consent and spiritual growth.
Our spaces are based on free will in any situation, self-determination, mindfulness, diversity and inclusion, emotion positivity, sex positivity, non-violent communication, process orientation, sexual
health, trauma sensitivity and embodied consent.
Here is our Event – Calendar for our Sacred Sexuality and Temple Events.
Some impulses to start:
The RBDSMAF-Talk, a tool from the ISTA Training, is a powerful questionnaire to start a clear, consensual and respectful interaction or relationship.
Our TEMPLE ARTS interview serie on youtube gives you a deeper understanding of what Temples are about.
The WHEEL OF CONSENT from Betty Martin is a clear and holistic approach to defining a consensual interaction and giving easy steps to learn embodied consent in interaction, touch and play.
ASPECTING is a shamanic ritual to process inner stuck-ness. The aim of the ritual exercises is to foster self-contact, activate your life force and expand your consciousness.
Here we have a list of books we recommend, around the topics of conscious sexuality, love and relationships, shamanism and spirituality.
A University of Texas study published August 2007 displayes the ‘237 Reasons to Have Sex‘. Maybe this might support you in understanding your own desires and motives.
Enjoy our different EVENT OFFERINGS:

Our regular Temple Nights are a brave/ safe place to experience, explore & experiment your sexuality within different exercises and settings, to settle into your own sovereign authentic sexual being, able to connect consensually with others.
Our Advanced Temples are a place to move transpersonal themes as a group, in service, through love and eros, through art, through movement, voice and raw expression, through tenderness and silence. Those temples are devotional prayers touching your souls desires to be dynamically creative in the world. This format is for beings who want to drop deeper, from personal desires, attractions and goals to immersing into your truth on a soul level.

The Yoni Temples is a women only space (beings in biologically female or intersexual bodies, or beings who generally identify or express themselves as women) to live and celebrate female sensuality and sexuality together. We listening deeply to our elemental and diversely unique expression of the feminine. What is female embodiment for you?
In our Tribe Temples we create a space to come home. A space for community that integrates the aliveness of sensual, sexual, emotional and transpersonal expression of human existence. Experienced Templars meet and co-create this evening together. The space is mainly unguided. It is crucial that everybody is familiar with and embodying the temple culture of self-responsibility, consent and co-creation.

The SlowSexOrgy is for the freaks who really want to go all the way down into the rabbit whole of open hearted and free sexuality. This is an experiential space that will trigger your blocks towards self love and your superficial attraction patterns. And invites you to a deeply nurturing and fulfilling group experience.
On unregular Monday afternoons you can meet us in Zürich Wollishofen in our Walk In Healing. This is a space where you can move your blocks and your stillstand, may it be in your spiritual or personal path. We will be in circle with the people that come. Supporting each other in expansion and healing.

INTO THE DARK series are one day workshops where we mainly pick up blocked erotic and sexual themes that come up in reflection to our regular Temple Nights: dynamics we see, untouched potential, longings that come up, emotional blocks that were addressed, tabus that create separation, consent issues that need deepening.
In our Conscious Sexwork 1:1 Sessions you can experience honest, relaxed and deeply touching sexuality, intimacy and eroticism together with Michèle. We address your questions and your body sensations and create a common flow of body, heart and soul connection. These sessions are exquisite research, experiential, healing, transformation and transcendence spaces for men, women, queers and couples.

In the Wild Love Festival you will meet the conscious sex-positive tribe of Switzerland.
Meet our Sacred Sexuality Guides Team: