Our ADVANCED TEMPLES are a place to move transpersonal themes as a group, in service, through love and eros, through art, through movement, voice and raw expression, through tenderness and silence. Those temples are devotional prayers touching your souls desires to be dynamically creative in the world. This format is for beings who want to drop deeper, from personal desires, attractions and goals to immersing into your truth on a soul level.
Our next dates:
We are eager to be a group that totally resonates with the transformational, devotional theme of the specific temple and is familiar with sex-positive and alive community experiences (heart connection, embodied consent, raw authenticity).
This TEMPLE is for you if you are not only temple experienced, but also EMBODY an ADVANCED TEMPLAR (see agreements on the registration forms): you are fluent with the wheel of consent, you express your boundaries/ your desires freely, you’re able to regulate yourself emotionally and you know how to ask for help within the group of participants if needed.
ADVANCED means SLOWER. It means becoming so ecstatically alive through each gentle touch, each warm breath on the skin, each finger tip touching the face of another. There is no need to push, no need to make anything happen. Every moment is an opportunity to drop down into the most juicy, most alive, most authentic version of yourself.
ADVANCED means becoming so obsessed with the NOW that it doesn’t matter where it takes us, because we are already here.
ADVANCED means NOT SO SAFE by intention. Safety is something you will have to create for yourself; it comes from you listening to yourself and being responsible for your actions & reactions. Safety means communicating honestly. Listen deeply to your body, to your sensations and emotions. Slow down, feel, fuck up, get it, speak your truth, say stop when it is needed. Don’t expect that somebody will save your from somebody crossing your boundaries. It is part of the learning. And if you’re very concerned about other’s boundaries being crossed, most likely you yourself don’t feel safe taking care of yourself. We are here to learn from mistakes and fuck-ups. We don’t fully learn while only chilling in our comfort zone. This event has an special emphasis on expansion into your personal learning zone.
ADVANCED means you don’t care about gender balance. You are open to meet each HUMAN in whatever way feels true to you and them.
EXPAND means making love to the UNKNOWN ❤️
We encourage to clarify even little disturbances happening in any encounter, to strengthen our tribe of a safe loving playfield. Do so either during the event or after. Therefore you will receive the email adresses of all the participants the next day.
This temple is devoted to the power of “heart meets body and body meets heart”. Your YES is as much wanted as your NO. Whatever is the truth of your being in that right moment, we ask you to bring it uncensored; anticipated, vulnerable, raw, playful, horny, shy, seductive, confused, erotic, non sexual, …
PS: This EVENT is NOT for YOU, if
– you’re coming to consume without bringing yourself (= your heart) in
– you’re simply looking to hook up
– you don’t care about the space, other people or the group
– you feel insecure about your own sense of safety in an erotic space
If you have questions: iwtemples@gmail.com