Let’s celebrate
female sensuality and sexuality together!
Tapping into the power of female vibrancy beyond collective misconceptions. Listening deeply to our elemental and diversely unique expression of the feminine. Its power to expand, contain pure aliveness and surrender. Provide eternal wisdom. Embody fierce destruction. Drop into gentle beauty. Celebrate emotional flow. Cyclically breath with the world. Hold space for the mystery.
What is female embodiment for you?
In our Yoni Temple we open a sacred space to deeply listening to yourself while encountering each other. Authentically. Sensually. Sexually. Gathering the wisdom and medicine of breath, touch, self-authority, safety, intimacy. In the knowing that within every encounter we have the possibility to land a new piece within our selfs.
Gathering female soul wisdom, how do we vibrate together?

This is a female space only:
for beings in biologically female or intersexual bodies,
or beings who generally identify or express themselves as women.
The TEMPLE is our shared space to free ourselves from fear, shame and loneliness, and to explore free interactions. Together we create connected and co-created space where we can express and share what we really want. Instead of hiding our real pleasures in our private spaces – or not living them at all – we dare to share these human needs with each other.
This is a place of aliveness, well-being, play, DIVERSITY and curiosity, where you can be the way you want to be. Here you may:
- follow your unashamed impulses;
- be wild, intense, or radically kinky;
- be deeply relaxed, cuddly, or still;
- reveal your most mysterious, unconventional self;
- express deep emotional intimacy;
- dissolve in slow sensual exploration.
We encourage you to bring your full authentic, alive self into our Temple. Experience the joy of discovering that all of you is welcome.
The Temple is based on AUTHENTICITY. Crack the surface of performing, or of hiding who you really are and drop into authentic connection. Communicate directly from your whole heart. Offer all of the aspects of yourself that you love, and also the ones you might find ugly (and others might find touching).
What is alive in you in this moment? How do you express desire? What are your boundaries? How exactly do you like to experience connection and intimacy?
We celebrate INTIMACY and CONNECTION. Connection with yourself, and with others. Intimacy happens when you dare to fully show what is alive in you, and when you are fully and authentically present with another being. Connection happens when you listen with full attention, express genuine empathy and give equal value to yourself and another.
Within that invitation of authentic connection and intimacy, we learn about CONSENT and BODY WISODM. How do we create experiences which everybody involved has a full, heartfelt yes? And what does our body tell us about what we want: what kind of touch, what kind of exploration, what kind of connection? What do our different intelligence centres – our mind, heart, belly, genitals – say? How slow can we go, to stay connected and to not pass over any aspects of ourself and others.
At the foundation of our temple culture is a full and unequivocal respect for personal BOUNDARIES. Each of us has the unquestioned right – at any time and for any reason – to say no when something doesn’t feel right, and to have our no respected: ‘When I hear your no, I can trust your yes’. Receiving a no and not taking it personally, but as a celebration of self responsibility and honesty that creates safety and builds trust: ‘Thank you for your no; I appreciate your honesty and self care.’
A Temple is like life itself, in that it reflects the raw complexity of human interaction. There is no guarantee that you wouldn’t have experiences where you’d feel rejected or where somebody might overstep your boundaries.
We provide a ‘safe space‘ because we are invested in your learning to navigate your own insecurities and gain success – and for that, we provide a setting where failling is allowed. Quite certainly at some point the safety providing mechanisms inside you will get hurt. Let’s grow beyond those mechanisms into your own true authentic intimacy. We do not try to eliminate potential dangers, but invite you to dance with the dragons instead. What do you need to experience breaking through those shells that would otherwise be left untouched?
We invite you for a BRAVE SPACE. We encourage you to step out of your comfort zone beyond what you already know. Try new things. Go into uncertain waters, where you may get rejected or might need to reinforce your boundaries. Move outside or your habitual attraction patterns. Maybe reach out to people you have charge with. Express your desires, and once you have received clear consent, play with dominance and submission, dance with your inner hunter or prey qualities, bring some unlived fantasies into action. Embody different archetypes or explore actions that you maybe have not yet identified. Experiment, collect data from your experiences, stay open, learn.
And INTEGRATE the situations, emotions, sensations and questions that come with conquering new land. Stay present, BREATH, feel, communicate. We will have different sharing opportunities during the workshop, in the closing circle and after the event in our integration call. Also there will be a team of dedicated Angels (Assistances) that are there to meet you with your questions and uncertainties, consent issues, and any blocked or overwhelmed feelings.
We must caution you, however, that while our temple space provides a wide range of magic and healing, it is not a space for trauma therapy. If you are aware of a history of sexual or intimate trauma, either as victim or offender, we need you to have a conversation with us before registering, so that we may responsibly co-create any needed parameters for your participation. If during the event something triggers an unknown trauma, please stay in contact with us after the event, so we may direct you to a suitable therapeutic solution.
Do you resonate? In our regular “Temple Nights” in Winterthur ZH and Steffisburg BE you can experience, explore & experiment your sexuality within our diverse group body.
2 pm Silent arrival . We’ll welcome your arrival with smudge and other surprises. You’ll have a whole hour to arrive. Soft music will support you to feel yourself in our space. We’ll speak only as necessary.
3 pm Workshop . We’ll lead you into our common journey by offering exercises to activate your body, to connect and get to know each other, and develop trust in the whole group. Together we’ll establish our culture of awareness and consensual interaction. Gather experiences around touch, boundaries and play. And review our agreements.
7 pm Dinner . With everyones contribution a variety of bodily nourishments will be provided. We heartily invite you to share our sensual, aphrodisiac buffet in a feeding way. Be creative 😉
8 pm Temple . Now we are ready to enter into the temple, a room of following your pleasures and potentials. Through open-hearted connections with others, you may explore and nourish your essence. We’ll have a variety of islands for nonsexual cuddling, sensual touch, erotic sexual, kinky play, quiet retreat, dance, doktor spiele, exploratory play around food, creativity, and other activities as we may create together. The islands are invitations to try out new activities, and they provide a common ground to more easily go into new connections. You are responsible to choose and navigate those connections and shared activities.
11 pm Free Flow . The facilitated temple ends with a sharing circle. You don’t need to go home immediately afterwards though. In the free flow. you may continue with where you still have curiosity and energy. Find closure in your own time. The temple space is available until 1 am.
Sleep over. On occasion, it may be possible to sleep over at the event location. If you have this wish, please mention it in the registration and we will inform you, if its gonna take place.
Integration Call. We will have an online integration call together. Save the date. We share our experiences, reflect on them and give room to receive each other. This space is highly recommended to integrate the depth of what happened, by giving it words and being witnessed with whatever we are holding. Come with your success storey as well as your heavy feelings. The Zoom link will be provided in an email after the event.
Please note:
- Bring something sensual or aphrodisiac for the putluck dinner.
- Bring dresses you feel really sexy in.
- This Event will be held in German, with English translation available if needed.
- For the temples we have a limit of 42 participants.
- We have assistants, who will guide and support you in emotional processes and meet you when there are consent issues. They can either speak English or German.
- For this event we need you to understand and resonate with our common agreements (see registration form).
Here you can register for the Event:
Sa 6. April 2024 – open slots