Are you ready?
… to unleash the vibrancy
that lies beyond your walls
of fear, shame and guilt!

What does it mean to be human? There is a huge pile of aspects of us, we have absolutely no idea how to deal with. So we keep them hidden. From others. From ourselves. What do we need to feel safe to open those boxes? To share them with others?
How can we consciously live a full yes to our whole human existence?

Michèle | pic by
With our format INTO THE DARK we open space for courageous inner research around our shadow patterns, dark phantasies and taboos connected to our authentic erotic and sexual expression. We go deep into the rabbit whole. Integrating tools to regulate our emotional bodies. Integrating tools to create a safe consensual encounter culture. Integrating group experiences, where we reveal the dark and hidden aspects of our being, whilst being witnessed.
This is a regular research platform that works with tenderness, group consent, embodiment and raw aliveness.
Michèle is holding point for deep transformational experiences that aim to free our hearts and our sexuality. With her background in embodied trauma therapy, field facilitation and circle work she creates a professional trauma informed, process oriented, non judgmental, body & sex positive and group consensual space. It is a space that asks for your full authenticity and vulnerability, your inner commitment to unraveling the tricky ego structures that may not want to be pointed out and a grounded balance between seriousness and humour. We will be slow. Slow, so everybody has the possibility to research their inner landscapes. And so slow, that we move together consensually. And we will reflect all our experiences, being present with all the aspects that have been touched, while dwelling in the raw and uncontained darkness of ourselves.

De-Armouring the Self
7 Tuesday evenings
5. Nov – 17. Dec ’24
6.30-10 pm, 620 CHF
max. 6 participants
Host: Michèle
Throughout the different phases of our childhood we reacted differently to a hostile environment, any unmet needs, unattunement of our primary caretakers and trauma. Those reactions did form a character structure, body posture and belief system that is still installed until today and makes up the basic understanding of how we experience our life, be in contact with our surrounding and live our relationships.

Absent | Needy | Endurer | Aggressor / Manipulator | Rigid / Perfectionist
Have a deeper look into the description and registration process of the event: De-Armouring the Self | INTO THE DARK Series
Embodied Consent
Why would consent be a shadow area? Consent as the baseline of sexpositive spaces! But … we have quiet some patterns that go against creating a consensual flow of interaction. We’ll touch on our woundings, numbness, fear of rejection, our logic and habit that keep us away from co-creating an embodied consent in our interactions and relationships.
Unshame your Eros
We dive into the core erotic themes, that foster your life force. What turns you on? What excites you? Our eros is mostly in a hidden place. Hidden from others. Maybe even hidden from our own awareness. We look into the unconscious drove that directs what we want to experience in our encounters and interactions. Freeing our erotic intelligence.
Working Your Shadows
What unconscious patterns and beliefs are navigating your sexual experiences? An honest and maybe shocking research into acknowledging our underlying impulses.
Self Love
We are mostly wired to find pleasure and fulfilment in and with somebody else. This is an enmeshment pattern that actually, most likely will keep us away from deep fulfilment. How can we truly meet ourself, understand our own pleasure, hold ourselves most dearly and take care and response-able.
Unshame Your Anus
Releasing tension in and around our anus by meeting our unashamed self and dropping into deep relaxation within our existence.
Bliss and Ecstasy
A soul initiation ceremony into the transcendental realms of our heart and our sex, that allows us to drop into a deeper resonance with the world.
Meet your inner taboo around living your erotics and your sexuality as man with (an)other ma(/e)n.
Dark Feminine
Own your dark aspects: manipulation, possessiveness, unconscious passive hunting, victim and submission mode, sex or love refusal, power greed, gossip,
… into clarity and presence.
Dark Masculine
Own your dark aspects: ignorance, machoism, possessiveness, unconscious active hunting, performing, power abuse,
… into clarity and presence.
Meeting Society
As a group we go to swinger clubs, BDSM and fetish parties, watch unethical porn, meet sex workers, … and explore what it really does to us to dwell in the widely consumed offerings that our society created around ‘the common sexuality’.

Sat 30th of March
10-18/22h, Zürich
+ 1h Integration Call
160-320.- for males
40.- for females
Cock awakening is a one day journey with the aim to bring you into deeper layers of your emotional and relational self. With teachings, ritual, touch, exercises and sharing we create a sequence of experiences that support you in meeting and embodying the emotional realm of your lingam. We will be a group of male participants, supported by female witnesses and space holders that help you to feel and get deeper.
Have a deeper look into the description and registration process of the event: Cock Awakening

This is an embodied research into your sensual, erotic and sexual phantasies that you didn’t dare to create and experience yet. This might be a reality check for your unlived desires and phantasies. When they come into an experience you might find something totally different than what you expected to find. We intend to support you in understanding more deeply what you want and desire from within your core.
This research space might create healing and transformation, especially around our patterns that are connected to fear, guilt and shame.
Programm. We move between sharing circles, bodywork activations and co-created experiences that aim to deepen your understanding of yourself and the diversity of dynamics that happen within a group.
Timetable. The official seminar will start on Saturday at 10am and end at 6pm. During the day we will have an hour of lunch break (please bring your lunch or find something nearby). After the seminar and a dinner break an optional, non formal space of conscious deepening or integration will happen until 10pm. This space is optional and still Michèle is holding space to clarify the intention and structure of this more free flow time. On Sunday evening at 7pm we will also have a 1h optional integration zoom call together, to give space for revelations and questions or unfinished processes that deepened over night.

‘All men just only want one thing.’* As a group we go into this tabu polarity of the perpetrator and victim. Where might we play out this dynamic in the shadow? Either as an idea that we might be this shameful abuser that just takes without consent, or where we are afraid of this energy that might violate us from the outside. Already the idea that we might be a perpetrator or that we might meet one, blocks our safety and freedom of interaction immensely.
This is a research space that might create healing especially for people who have a history around abuse in either the role as perpetrator or victim.
Programm. We move between sharing circles, bodywork activations and co-created experiences that aim to deepen your understanding of yourself and the diversity of dynamics that happen within a group.
Timetable. The official seminar will start on Saturday at 10am and end at 6pm. During the day we will have an hour of lunch break (please bring your lunch or find something nearby). After the seminar an optional, non formal space of conscious deepening or integration will happen until 10pm. This space is optional and still Michèle is holding space to clarify the intention and structure of this more free flow time. We will have a dinner break as well. On Sunday evening at 7pm we will also have a 1h optional integration zoom call together, to give space for revelations and questions or unfinished processes that deepened over night.
*Disclaimer: ‘All men just want one thing.’ is a standardised statement. In the seminar we are not buying into any gender role generalisations. A lot of men experience victimhood as well as a lot of women are playing out abusive behaviour. I used this statement, because there is a more general fear amongst men, to be a perpetrator, and for women there is a more general emotion of getting abused. We go into this inner research with and beyond the general storylines.

Why darkness, you ask?
The darkness protects you, my love. You bury the pieces of yourself too frightening to face, bury them in the night and fog until you are ready to face them. So you don’t ever have to bear what you cannot yet bear, or feel what you are not yet ready to feel. It’s intelligent, this burial.
But then you forget. You forget that the Underworld is only made of abandoned pieces of you. You forget that YOU were the one who put the pieces there. It was your own creation, the monstrous Hell realm, the devils and the dragons. These lost and frightened fragments are forever longing to return to you. The darkness seeks you! It will haunt you, stalk you, follow you wherever you go. You cannot run, for it is all you, all the abandoned pieces of your great and ancient heart, all needing help, longing for integration, crying out for inclusion in a bigger self.
I promise you, I promise you, in the depths of your most terrible despair and loneliness, in the bulging eyes of the most hideous monster chasing you, if you stop, and turn to face it, and just look hard enough, when you are ready, and not a moment before, if you just look hard enough, and through the eyes of love, you will see… yourself. Not death there, but life. Not destruction, but absolute safety. You will see your own kind eyes smiling back at you, a safe place within the trauma. Your salvation lies in the darkness, you see, and its salvation lies within you! You are One, you always were. No separation! Nothing to fear but the loss of all fear!
Let the darkness have you my love, breathe into its sacred core, give it what it cries for, and you will feel the most extraordinary Power, know the most blinding Light!
Why darkness, you ask? So you are protected from your own immense Power. Until you are ready…
Jeff Foster