Over the course of this workshop, we will approach and engage with our anal area. Having a positive relationship with this part of our body is not a privilege everyone experiences. However, cultivating a relaxed and joyful anus is considered a healthy asset.

This journey is designed for you to:
- connect with your anus,
- acknowledge and process any emotional baggage that may be stored or associated with this area of your body, and
- explore and experience the deep relaxation and pleasure that can arise from the types of massage taught in this class.
NEXT DATES: 28th to 30th of March 2025, Zurich
The way we connect with and experience our anal area is deeply influenced by how our parents or primary caregivers interacted with it in our early months and years of life. This includes the energy they emanated, their ease or tension in cleaning us, and the language and energy they used to communicate about bodily functions.
In a broader context, the anus – being both the base of the spine and the end of our digestive process, as well as a point of connection to the prostate for men – serves as an anchor for themes related to our most fundamental aspects of existence: money, home, origin, matter, worth, self-esteem, basic trust in life, our relationship with death, shadow work, and power.
The art of unlocking anal relaxation and pleasure through presence, breath, touch, and flow is a vital skill for making your body your home and temple while mastering your life force. An open root chakra allows life force and orgasmic energy to flow freely into the body. Conversely, when it is closed or significantly blocked, orgasmic experiences and pleasurable sensations often remain localized in the pelvis and dissipate quickly.
The Journey
During this weekend, we will take our time, creating ample space for you to connect with yourself, your body, and the themes that arise. This will include self-touch, breathwork, movement, self-expression, and cultivating presence. On the second day, we will engage in exercises with other participants, holding space for each other through presence and touch while navigating the experiential aspects of connection and processing emotions. All practices can occur within the bounds of being fully clothed and with no touch, or fully naked with full body contact – it’s your choice in the moment, based on what feels right for you and what your practice partners are comfortable with.
In addition to emotional processing, a key focus will be on the anatomy of pleasure and the massage techniques that can help relax and prepare the whole body for connecting with the anus (and prostate) in a pleasurable way. We will learn and refine these skills through giving and receiving feedback from our practice partners as well as from me as organizer.
Practical Infos

28th to 30th of March 2025, Zürich
Friday 5pm-9pm
Saturday 10am-7pm (with open end)
Sunday 10am-4pm
Pricing: 380.- CHF
Registration: Anmeldeformular