The Erotic Mind by Jack Morin
Unlocking the Inner Sources of Passion and Fulfilment. Challenging accepted theories about what makes for terrific sex, The Erotic Mind is a breakthrough exploration of the least understood dimensions of human sexuality — the psychology of desire, arousal, and fulfilment. Nationally known sex therapist Dr. Jack Morin offers a bold new perspective that celebrates the joys of Eros without denying its risks.
Finde deine sexuelle Kraft von Ilan Stephani
Die Elemente der Ekstase. Sex ist gut, wenn’s kracht und zur Sache geht! Oder? Für einige Menschen stimmt das. Für sehr viele nicht. Doch wie funktioniert Lust? Wenn wir das wüssten, würden wir aufhören, Routinesex zu haben, bei dem wir nicht viel spüren. Und wir könnten uns endlich von sexuellen Selbstzweifeln verabschieden. Der Weg wäre frei für wirklich nährende, orgasmische Begegnungen – mit uns selbst, unserem Körper, unserem Partner, unserer Partnerin. Der Weg wäre frei für Ekstase!
Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan, Cacilda Jetha
“Sex at Dawn challenges conventional wisdom about sex in a big way. By examining the prehistoric origins of human sexual behavior the authors are able to expose the fallacies and weaknesses of standard theories proposed by most experts. This is a provocative, entertaining, and pioneering book. I learned a lot from it and recommend it highly.” — Andrew Weil, M.D.
Slow Sex by Diana Richardson
The Path to Fulfilling and Sustainable Sexuality. The first step to revive a waning sex life or make a healthy one more fulfilling, says author Diana Richardson, is to make sex a conscious decision rather than an accidental encounter. Focusing on eye contact, subtle sensations, and deep breathing, Diana’s practice of slow sex awakens the body’s innate mechanism for ecstasy, unlocking the door to extraordinary realms of sensitivity, sensuality, and higher consciousness. Exploring the healing, spiritual power of slow sex, this book offers a step-by-step guide for committed couples to transform sex into a meditative, loving union of complementary energies. It explains how slow sex increases sensitivity and sexual vitality and how, because it creates and restores love, slow sex is loving sex. With a focus on coolness rather than heat, this practice provides couples a way to reach a shared meditative state and use it as a vehicle to achieve higher consciousness. Illustrating different positions for eye contact, deep sustained penetration, and soft penetration, this book reveals that sex truly can be sustainable and enjoyable well into old age.
Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliott
Unmask Your Shadow and Embrace Your Power – a Method for Getting What You Want by Getting Off on What You Don’t
Jede_Frau by Agota Lavoyer
Über eine Gesellschaft, die sexualisierte Gewalt verharmlost und normalisiert. Ein Buch gegen die Rape Culture. Sexualisierte Gewalt ist in unserer Gesellschaft auf erschreckende Weise allgegenwärtig. So gut wie jede Frau ist davon betroffen. Die medienbekannte Expertin für sexualisierte Gewalt und Bestsellerautorin Agota Lavoyer erklärt in diesem aufwühlenden Buch, dass nicht nur das Ausmaß sexualisierter Gewalt in unserer Gesellschaft ein Skandal ist, sondern auch unser Umgang damit. Wir leben in einer Rape Culture, die es Männern erlaubt, übergriffig zu sein, und die Betroffene abwertet und beschuldigt. Frauen besuchen Selbstverteidigungskurse, während wir Männer mit dem Argument boys will be boys entschuldigen und die Ursachen des Problems ignorieren ( … )
Relating & Love
Polysecure by Jessica Fern
A practical guide to nurturing healthy, loving non-monogamous relationships using attachment theory. Attachment theory has entered the mainstream, but most discussions focus on how we can cultivate secure monogamous relationships. What if, like many people, youre striving for secure, happy attachments with more than one partner?
And They Knew Each Other by Sabine Lichtenfeld, Dieter Duhm
The End of Sexual Violence. Is it possible to end the sexual violence and domestic abuse that seem to run rampant these days? Can one person remain faithful to love with the same partner for a lifetime? In this book, Sabine Lichtenfels and Dieter Duhm, founders of the peace research center Tamera in Portugal, share the results of their highly successful 40-year experiment in faithful partnership within community.
Spiritual Enlightenment: the Damnedest Thing by Jed McKenna
This book is a candid exploration of the spiritual path. Through a fictionalised character, McKenna challenges spiritual misconceptions, emphasising the necessity of brutal self-honesty, the dismantling of illusions, and the courage to embrace the unknown on the quest for enlightenment.
Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch
Neale Donald Walsch was experiencing the lowest point of his life – from a devastating fire to the collapse of his marriage – when he decided to write a letter to God to vent his frustrations. What he did not expect was a response: as he finished his letter, he was moved to continue writing, and out came extraordinary answers to his questions. These answers – covering all aspects of human existence, from happiness to money, to faith – helped Walsch to change himself and his life for better, and the way he viewed other beings.
Personal Development
The 5 Personality Patterns by Stephen
Your Guide to Understanding Yourself and Others and Developing Emotional Maturity. Understanding people this way is like having x-ray vision! This bestselling book marks a major advance in the psychology of personality. Suddenly, you can see what’s going on inside people: you can see what motivates and matters to them and how to influence and communicate with them successfully. Finally, you have a simple, clear, true-to-life map of personality that gives you the key to understanding people and interacting with them successfully.
Conscious Feelings by Clinton Callahan
Living Life Closer to Your Own Truth.
Active Hope by Joanna Macy
How to Face the Mess We’re in with Unexpected Resilience and Creative Power. Practical tools for coping with despair over climate change and environmental crisis from a legendary ecophilosopher and a sustainability activist.