There is a power within me that is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. It knows what serves my well-being and how it is effected. Of divine origin, it has an ordering and harmonising, guiding, helping and healing effect in my being, in my body and beyond that in my environment. To the extent that I am open and receptive to it’s instructions and help. K.O. Schmidt
Are you READY to experience life BEYOND what you think is possible?
Do you dare to be you and fully essentially you?
Are you ready to be in subtle oneness and pure embodied bliss with the world? Are you eager to bend and master time, space and matter?
I am Michèle the founder of this adventure and having listened deeply into the hidden treasures of life and how life could or probably even supposed to be, I called in for Beyond. A brave space for personal and collective growth and research into the unknown. Into daring to manifest the world that our hearts and souls know is possible.
Here we move as a community. Expanding into the possibilities of the ‘future’ human being. Oneness with everything, pure health and vitality, non-ageing, telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation, shapeshifting, communicating with everything, knowing everything. I believe that those and more are the superpowers that are alive when we shift into our most powerful self. Pure love, alignment and life force.
To do all that, we need to fully shift to living our life’s from our pure authentic essence point. From our core. From our truest most unique, most powerful self that is the highest vibration of our soul vibrating the densest form of our existence. Mastering all limiting beliefs stored anywhere in our system that prevent us from wholeheartedly acting and creating in total alignment and resonance with the universe. Boom!
Dare to jump into Beyond?
This research is for you if you are ready to:
° daring to bring all your soul longings into the centre of your life and relationships
° research states of pure bliss and wholeness beyond your imagination and dare to let them land into your daily life
° not stopping at mastering any life lesson that presents itself to you. Any conflict, bodily disease or disorder, any feeling of lack or unabundance.
° letting go of control and radically connect to source energy and to the here and now.
° eventually move through longer periods of modification in your life, meaning to sit with disorientation, stress and pain until you fully arrived into the new.
This journey is not for you if you want to:
° stay in the paradigm of separation, blame and victimisation
° kling to superficial spiritual behaviour of ‘following the light’ or ‘salvation’ and shy away from encountering and working with your darkness
° magically jump into paradise, without going through the range of things that need to be addressed within your life that creates tension.
Within Beyond we basically work with ThetaHealing® as the main tool to uncover limitations and foster expansion. Also having different shamanic and other energy healing tools, the perspective of Possibility Management, as well as somatic trauma healing approaches and an emphasis on working with sexual energy as to integrate pure life force.
Everything within the Beyond project is donation based / basic cost covering. Your commitment is your desire and readiness to join, fully bring yourself in and be part of the collective research.
Do you wanna be part of this? As beginner of this research into an embodien expansion I invite you to the journey the Basics first. Let me know if you feel like you already embody those personal development basics and want to be part of this journey!
Merging with source. God. Unconditional love. The zero point from whom everything emerges, everything is sourced, and everything goes back to in death. The pure baseline of life and existence. And how to be one with it. Letting go of control and separation. Mastering trance, depth, complexity, truth and mystery.
The non-linearity of Time and Space. Knowing the future and past while staying in the presence. Time Travel. Beinding time.
Mastering the Body. Transcendental Body Wisdom. Instant Healing, Perfect Health, Non-Ageing, Shapeshifting. Being in the state of total awareness and oneness with all our organs, cells and molecules within our body. Meaning that when we create separation towards certain parts of us, we do not identify with them anymore, abandon the wisdom of us and get misbalanced and sick. Mastering total body awareness is the basic of playing outside the box.
Telepathy and Oneness. Telepathy happens (!) when we are not afraid of each other and ourself’s anymore. If we still want to hide parts of ourself’s either to ourself’s or each other, we don’t allow the full spectrum of information just to flow and be present. And also if we don’t want to know everything from each other. The state of telepathy is connected to a culture of pure trust and intimacy.
Communicating with plants, animals, stones and the world beyond matter. Mastering to tune in to any form of communication. From reading and understanding landscapes, the scent and sound of plants, body language and behaviour, electrical and magnetic currencies, to the frequencies of auras, torus fields, the ether, informations from ancestors, angels and ascending masters, and subtler to the chipchatter of the structures and universal laws that hold and improve the universe, and source energy.
Mastering Matter. Telekinesis and Teleportation. Connecting deeply to your unique love, power and life force. Unterstanding it’s purity and what it brings into the world. Total trust and allowance to penetrate and influence the world and the knowing that the whole world is there to support you. Whole mountains will disappear to support your journey, if you allow it to happen.
Instant Manifestation. ‘Earthly’ success, wealth consciousness, money and property, home, power, status, influence, leadership.
As a ThetaHealing® Instructor Michèle connects you with your intuitive abilities and fosters your capability to access them in your everyday life. She is naturally shifting your self understanding into compassion and ease. With her trauma healing skills and her not shying away from the ‘dark shit’ we all carry, she facilitates deep healing. Her inherent & compassionate inquiry of life and beings allows her to access wisdom into the matrix beyond. Connecting temples and conscious communities all over Europe. She’s a master of pausing, honesty and presence, integration, and she loves to be in service.

“We are just at the beginning of grasping the immense power of love and aliveness we are here to live.” Michele